February 7, 2025

Bare Bones Software today released BBEdit(r) 14.0.2, a maintenance update to the most recent major new version of its professional strength HTML and text editor.

BBEdit 14 requires macOS 10.14.2 or later (macOS 10.14.6 or later recommended) and is fully compatible with macOS Big Sur. In keeping with Bare Bones Software’s well-established tradition, compatibility with macOS Monterey will follow thorough testing with the shipping version of the OS.

BBEdit 14 introduced a Notes system; the ability to integrate Anaconda environments; new built-in support for syntax coloring and function navigation for source files written in R, Go, Rust, TOML, Arduino, Pixar Universal Scene Description (USD) and Lisp-family languages; plus enables significantly enhanced code completion, error checking, interactive help and code navigation when using new support for Microsoft’s Language Server Protocol (LSP).

BBEdit 14.0.2 includes fixes for specific reported issues, and is a recommended and free update to all registered customers with BBEdit 14. Detailed information on all of the new features and changes in BBEdit 14.0.2 can be found at: <https://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/notes-14.0.2.html>

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