BELLEVUE, WA. – May 3, 2023 – Mylio, a pioneer in photo management technology, announced the relaunch of its flagship software, Mylio Photos, as a free app. The new version will allow everyone to automatically organize and find images using AI SmartTags, sort and filter photos faster than in any other software, clean up unwanted images, and more – all without dependency on the Cloud. The new version will ship in mid-May.
Mylio Photos is a complete photo management solution that allows users to easily collect, organize, browse, search, and share their media files, including photos, videos, and documents. The app offers cloud independence, which improves speed and ensures users’ privacy. With no file limits, the industry’s fastest search features, and intelligent organization tools, the free version of Mylio Photos is the clear choice for anyone struggling to manage their photo and video library.
“When your photos are organized, you no longer have to worry about losing track of your important memories,” says David Vaskevitch, founder and CEO of Mylio. “This sense of control and order is empowering and reduces the stress that often comes with disorganization. We want to help people around the world organize, enjoy, and share their lifetime of photos, so we are relaunching Mylio Photos as a free app accessible to everyone.”

Top 5 Benefits for Mylio Photos Users
Find photos fast with AI SmartTags. Mylio Photos’ AI SmartTag technology can recognize over 1,000 activities, objects, and properties in photos. In an industry first, users can customize the filter’s sensitivity to fine-tune results for identifying animals, plants, environments, food, and more. Unlike most other AI tools, Mylio Photos’ AI tools run on users’ devices without transferring data, providing impressive speed and complete privacy.
Collect and consolidate in one library. Collecting a lifetime of images from multiple sources can be a hassle. With Mylio Photos, users can add photos from any source using Linked Folders. Adding photos from online services like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr,, and Google is also easy. Plus, you can easily import from camera memory cards or a phone. Any duplicate files are automatically removed during the import.
Clean up unwanted photos. Mylio Photos’ Photo DeClutter tool makes it easy to find visually similar photos based on shooting time and location. As a result, users can quickly identify burst mode and bad shots, then mark unneeded shots for easy removal or deletion. AI Smart Tags can also promptly identify common photo flaws, such as blurry, dark, and closed eyes.
Sort and filter with metadata. QuickFilters feature allows users to find specific photos using details within image files quickly. Sort photos based on inherent properties like the lens or camera used, dates, and file type. Users can privately face-tag photos, search for text in photos using OCR (optical character recognition), and easily add geotags to images with missing location data. When combined with AI SmartTags, a user can find any photo in two to three clicks.
Enjoy a universal photo library. Mylio Photos’ Open Architecture allows files to be easily shared with any photo or video app. Users can track edits, and their library stays up-to-date. Open Clipboard also connects with any external app or service. On mobile, tap the share menu to hand photos or videos seamlessly to most apps.
Mylio Photos users who want to connect their devices, access their library from anywhere, and automatically protect their photos can sign up for the Mylio Photos+ add-on plan. To get a preview of new Mylio Photos features and functionality coming with Spring and Summer releases (including the upcoming Version 23 update), find more details here.

Both applications are available for macOS, Windows, iPadOS, iOS, and Android.
- Mylio Photos is a free application with no photo or storage limits.
- Mylio Photos+ protects and connects unlimited devices for $99 a year.
About Mylio Photos
Mylio Photos changes how the world remembers by helping to organize and protect a lifetime of photos and videos. To learn more, visit To access Mylio Photos graphics, logos, and additional press resources, visit our