July 27, 2024
Is there someone? Review key mail just dropped! Hey! OMG! What a miracle! Okay, okay… Then, tell me the truth.   Listen, there are lots of great games in this genre. We know it. But what about a new one with 2D, story-rich, cyberpunk, pixel art, action adventure, indie platformer? Interesting right? It is going to be with you on January 25.
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Also, our marketing advisor said that “You have to make a call to action in bla bla bla” so here we go! Anomaly Agent is coming to Xbox and Steam on January 24 and Switch on January 25 with a sweet discount. The game is going to be cheaper than a burger but has more love and cyberpunk theme in it.
Can you believe it? Nintendo and Xbox covered us on their main channels. Also you can watch our release date trailer on GameSpot.

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